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Купить книгу Правительность. Власть и правление в современных обществах, автора Митчелла Дина
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Правительность. Власть и правление в современных обществах
Эта книга была впервые опубликована в 1999 году и вскоре стала базовым обзором исследований правительности. Однако это не только введение в тематическое поле, но и разработка особой «аналитики управления» – самостоятельное развитие подхода Мишеля Фуко в историческом и социально-политическом анализе. Благодаря вниманию к отношениям между правительностью и другими ключевыми понятиями Фуко, такими как биополитика и суверенность, первое издание предвосхитило и отчасти определило словарь современных дискуссий и исследований в данном поле. Во втором издании (2010) Митчелл Дин работает уже с полным текстовым корпусом лекционных курсов Фуко и предлагает ценные размышления по поводу традиций, методов и теории политической власти, рассматривая авторитарную и либеральную стороны правительности. Для второго издания каждая глава была полностью пересмотрена и обновлена, вобрав в себя новейшие теоретические, социальные и политические разработки этого поля. Было добавлено новое введение с обзором состояния исследований правительности сегодня, а также совершенно новая глава о международной правительности.
Купить книгу Скрытые чемпионы – прорыв в Глобалию. Почему немецкие компании доминируют в мире, автора Германа Симона
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Скрытые чемпионы – прорыв в Глобалию. Почему немецкие компании доминируют в мире
Что объединяет производителей аквариумов и сопутствующих товаров Tetra, систем контроля трубопроводов Rosen, пластмассовых подшипников Igus и поводков-рулеток Flexi? Все они – типичные «скрытые чемпионы», неизвестные средние компании, незаметно ставшие лидерами мирового рынка в своих отраслях. Герман Симон, изучающий истории «скрытых чемпионов» более 30 лет, в новой книге рассказывает об их невероятном международном успехе и колоссальном воздействии на глобализацию. Подробно анализируя деятельность более тысячи «скрытых чемпионов» по всему миру, Симон раскрывает общие тенденции, типы поведения и подходы, которые обеспечивают успех компаниям и нередко способствуют сохранению их лидерства на мировом рынке из поколения в поколение, несмотря на жесткую конкуренцию, финансовые трудности и изменчивую рыночную ситуацию. Он рассказывает о методах ведения бизнеса и обслуживания клиентов, маркетинге, инновациях, кадровом менеджменте, организационных моделях, особенностях управления и стратегиях, которые выгодно отличают эти выдающиеся предприятия и от общей массы компаний, и от современных крупных корпораций. Кроме того, автор дает читателям возможность заглянуть за кулисы многих успешных, но непубличных компаний, которые пренебрегают современными концепциями менеджмента. «Скрытые чемпионы» доказывают, что хорошее управление – это умение делать вещи лучше конкурентов – спокойно, целеустремленно и сохраняя приверженность своему делу. В условиях кризисной экономики подход «скрытых чемпионов» – противоядие от недальновидных и ненужных практик, жертвами которых пали многие корпоративные гиганты. Книга предназначена для специалистов в области менеджмента и маркетинга.
Купить книгу Feedback in Performance Reviews, автора
Feedback in Performance Reviews
Performance reviews vary from one organization to the next. This guidebook will help you understand how to use feedback in whatever performance review context you find yourself. It explains three feedback principles and four different types of feedback. It will help you understand when to use the different types of feedback and how to frame a complete feedback message, making it more likely that your feedback will be well received. The rest is practice.
Купить книгу The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership - Technology, автора James M.  Kouzes
The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership - Technology
What do you call something that has endured through nearly 30 years of practice and the scrutiny of research? “The Truth!” —Ken Blanchard, best-selling author of The One-Minute Manager From academia to government, healthcare to technology, faith-based to community advocacy organizations, The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® have stood the test of time as the world’s most trusted source for becoming a better leader. Through decades of research, hundreds of personal interviews, analysis of thousands of case studies and millions of survey responses, authors Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner have discovered what over two million worldwide readers of their modern classic, The Leadership Challenge, know as well: The Five Practices provide a proven, evidence-based model for bringing out the leadership potential in anyone, at any level, in any organization, who accepts the leadership challenge.
Купить книгу Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R, автора
Option Pricing and Estimation of Financial Models with R
Presents inference and simulation of stochastic process in the field of model calibration for financial times series modelled by continuous time processes and numerical option pricing. Introduces the bases of probability theory and goes on to explain how to model financial times series with continuous models, how to calibrate them from discrete data and further covers option pricing with one or more underlying assets based on these models. Analysis and implementation of models goes beyond the standard Black and Scholes framework and includes Markov switching models, Lévy models and other models with jumps (e.g. the telegraph process); Topics other than option pricing include: volatility and covariation estimation, change point analysis, asymptotic expansion and classification of financial time series from a statistical viewpoint. The book features problems with solutions and examples. All the examples and R code are available as an additional R package, therefore all the examples can be reproduced.
Купить книгу Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss, автора
Dezentrales Marketing und Crowdsourcing. Warum und wie sich das Marketing neu erfinden muss
Klassisches Marketing ist nicht selten gepragt durch eine systembedingte Tragheit, unzureichende Beachtung der Kundenerwartungen, zentralistische Strukturen, wunschbasierte Planzahlen oder unzureichende Koordination mit internen Partnern. All dies fuhrt dazu, dass Unternehmen nicht oder zumindest weniger erfolgreich sind, als sie es sein konnten. Marketing muss sich neu erfinden, wenn die Unternehmen eine Zukunft haben wollen. Eine Komponente ist das dezentrale Marketing, bei dem Entscheidungen und Initiativen denjenigen uberlassen werden, die sich in der Nahe der Kunden befinden. Dazu gehoren kurze Reaktionszeiten, kompetentes Nutzen von Social Networks, Ubernahme von direkter Verantwortung durch diejenigen, die Marketingma?nahmen praktizieren, kurze Entscheidungswege, Open Innovation und Crowdsourcing oder erweiterte Serviceorientierung. Hans-Jurgen Borchardt zeigt Unternehmen, welche Elemente des Marketing in den nachsten Jahren relevant sein werden und worauf Unternehmen achten mussen, wenn sie dauerhaft Erfolg haben wollen. Marketingabteilungen, Unternehmenseinheiten und Filialen, aber auch Klein- und mittelstandische Unternehmer konnen ihre aktuellen Strategien, Strukturen und Prozesse daran spiegeln und Ideen fur neue Konzepte gewinnen.
Купить книгу Extreme Events. Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails, автора Malcolm  Kemp
Extreme Events. Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails
Taking due account of extreme events when constructing portfolios of assets or liabilities is a key discipline for market professionals. Extreme events are a fact of life in how markets operate. In Extreme Events: Robust Portfolio Construction in the Presence of Fat Tails, leading expert Malcolm Kemp shows readers how to analyse market data to uncover fat-tailed behaviour, how to incorporate expert judgement in the handling of such information, and how to refine portfolio construction methodologies to make portfolios less vulnerable to extreme events or to benefit more from them. This is the only text that combines a comprehensive treatment of modern risk budgeting and portfolio construction techniques with the specific refinements needed for them to handle extreme events. It explains in a logical sequence what constitutes fat-tailed behaviour and why it arises, how we can analyse such behaviour, at aggregate, sector or instrument level, and how we can then take advantage of this analysis. Along the way, it provides a rigorous, comprehensive and clear development of traditional portfolio construction methodologies applicable if fat-tails are absent. It then explains how to refine these methodologies to accommodate real world behaviour. Throughout, the book highlights the importance of expert opinion, showing that even the most data-centric portfolio construction approaches ultimately depend on practitioner assumptions about how the world might behave. The book includes: Key concepts and methods involved in analysing extreme events A comprehensive treatment of mean-variance investing, Bayesian methods, market consistent approaches, risk budgeting, and their application to manager and instrument selection A systematic development of the refinements needed to traditional portfolio construction methodologies to cater for fat-tailed behaviour Latest developments in stress testing and back testing methodologies A strong focus on the practical implementation challenges that can arise at each step in the process and on how to overcome these challenges “Understanding how to model and analyse the risk of extreme events is a crucial part of the risk management process. This book provides a set of techniques that allow practitioners to do this comprehensively.” Paul Sweeting, Professor of Actuarial Science, University of Kent “How can the likeliness of crises affect the construction of portfolios? This question is highly topical in times where we still have to digest the last financial collapse. Malcolm Kemp gives the answer. His book is highly recommended to experts as well as to students in the financial field.” Christoph Krischanitz, President Actuarial Association of Austria, Chairman WG “Market Consistency” of Groupe Consultatif
Купить книгу Schwarmintelligenz im Unternehmen. Wie sich vernetzte Intelligenz für Innovation und permanente Erneuerung nutzen lässt, автора Jochen  May
Schwarmintelligenz im Unternehmen. Wie sich vernetzte Intelligenz für Innovation und permanente Erneuerung nutzen lässt
Der Autor zeigt nicht nur auf, wie sich Schwarmintelligenz entfaltet, er gibt auch ein praxisnahes Konzept fur ihre gelungenen Umsetzung im Arbeitsalltag – klar durchdacht und pragnant ausformuliert. Michael Best, Hessischer Rundfunk, ARD-Borsenredaktion Schwarmintelligenz fasziniert durch erstaunliche Ergebnisse – doch kaum ein Unternehmen hat bisher ihr au?ergewohnliches Potenzial entdeckt, geschweige denn von ihr profitiert. Erst ganz allmahlich gerat Schwarmintelligenz ins Blickfeld neugieriger Fuhrungskrafte. Das liegt sicher auch daran, dass innerbetriebliche Fuhrungsinstrumente zur Aktivierung von Schwarmintelligenz bis dato nicht zur Verfugung standen. Schwarmintelligenz beruht auf geschickter Vernetzung unterschiedlicher Kompetenzen der Schwarmmitglieder. Komplexe Sachverhalte erscheinen unter vielen Blickwinkeln und werden dadurch treffender erfasst. Entrepreneurship halt Einzug, MitarbeiterInnen erproben das Neue. Der Innovationsdruck von au?en wird durch einen inneren Innovationsmotor erganzt. Leistungen gelingen kundengerechter, die Arbeitseffizienz steigt, Reaktionszeiten verkurzen sich. Reibungsverluste werden eliminiert, Burokratie und Verwaltungsmentalitat nehmen ab. Dieses Buch stellt – zum Teil erstmalig und exklusiv – die fur den betrieblichen Einsatz von Schwarmintelligenz erforderlichen Fuhrungsinstrumente vor. Es untersucht Vorteile und Wirkungsweise von Schwarmintelligenz und weist einen leicht gangbaren, praxisorientierten Weg, Schwarmintelligenz erfolgreich in Unternehmen einzubinden. Die Techniken und Methoden sind umfassend beschrieben und erlauben es, kontinuierliche Innovation durch Schwarmintelligenz im Arbeitsalltag sofort und unkompliziert umzusetzen. Fur Fuhrungskrafte aller Ebenen und Fachrichtungen ist das Buch ein Muss, aber auch fur Nachwuchskrafte und alle MitarbeiterInnen, die zukunftsorientiert verandern wollen.
Купить книгу EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People, автора Sebastien  Henry
EQ and Leadership In Asia. Using Emotional Intelligence To Lead And Inspire Your People
Increase your emotional intelligence, build a better workplace Emotional intelligence is crucial for business leadership, and nowhere is that more true than in Asia, where emotions are particularly likely to be concealed during daily business interactions. Emotions can be a major asset for leaders if properly understood, and a source of significant disruption if they are ignored. EQ and Leadership in Asia provides business leaders in Asia with the keys to using emotions as allies as they face practical business challenges. Presenting emotional intelligence in a clear, straightforward manner that anyone can understand, the book shows what it can accomplish, why it matters, and how to systematically improve your ability to understand emotions. Looking at the real challenges that leaders in Asia have to face every day and exploring how emotional intelligence can be used in each instance, this compelling book is essential reading for leaders who want to inspire and influence their coworkers and lead their companies to greater success. Explains the key concepts of emotional intelligence and its particular importance for those in leadership positions Explores why understanding emotion is particularly important for Asian leaders Provides practical examples of emotional intelligence techniques in action in real-world situations A guide to emotional intelligence designed for people working in leadership positions in Asia, EQ and Leadership In Asia is the only book you need to harness emotion in order to create a better workplace.
Купить книгу How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders, автора
How China's Leaders Think. The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders
A fascinating look at China now and in the years to come, through the eyes of those at the helm As China continues its rapid ascent, attention is turning to its leaders, who they are, and how they view the country's incredible transformation over the last thirty years. In How China's Leaders Think: The Inside Story of China's Past, Current and Future Leaders, Revised, bestselling author Lawrence Kuhn goes directly to the source, talking with members of China's ruling party and examining recently declassified Party material to provide readers with an intimate look at China's leaders and leadership structure, visionary principles, and convulsive past, and tracing the nation's reform efforts. Focusing on President Hu Jintao's philosophies and policies, the book looks to the next generation of China's leaders to ask the questions on everyone's lips. Who are China's future leaders? How do they view China's place in the world? Confronting China's leaders head on, Kuhn asks about the county's many problem, from economic imbalances to unsustainable development, to find out if there's a road map for change. Presenting the thoughts of key Chinese leaders on everything from media, military, banking, and healthcare to film, the Internet, science and technology, and much more, the book paints an intimate, candid portrayal of how China's leaders really think. Presents a fascinating insight into how China's leaders think about their country and where it's headed Asks the tough questions about China's need for reform Pulls together information from over 100 personal interviews as well as recently declassified Party documents Taking readers closer to Party officials than ever before, How China's Leaders Think documents China's thirty-year struggle toward economic and social reform, and what's to come.
Купить книгу An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China, автора Rongxing  Guo
An Introduction to the Chinese Economy. The Driving Forces Behind Modern Day China
This comprehensive overview of the modern Chinese economy by a noted expert from China offers a quality and breadth of coverage. In this book, the author provides an introduction to China's economy since 1949 and original insights based on his own extensive research. The book sets out to analyze and compare the operational mechanisms of the Chinese economy between the pre- and post-reform periods and through national, regional and local dimensions. Both positive and negative consequences of the Chinese economic transformation have been clarified. A multiregional comparison of the Chinese economy is conducted in terms of natural and human resources, institutional evolution, as well as economic and social performances. At last, some key issues relating to the inherent operational mechanisms of and the dynamic patterns of the Chinese economy are also discussed.
Купить книгу The New Pioneers. Sustainable business success through social innovation and social entrepreneurship, автора Tania  Ellis
The New Pioneers. Sustainable business success through social innovation and social entrepreneurship
New times create new needs – and new needs require new solutions. The New Pioneers is a practical guide for capitalists and idealists on how to navigate in the new economic world order. It is about the social megatrends that are shaping our lives in new ways and creating a new face of capitalism. And it is about the pioneers that are paving the way for the new business revolution: this century's generation of visionary leaders, social entrepreneurs and social intrapreneurs. 'Hardcore business people are realising that they can increase their profits by incorporating social responsibility into their business, and heartcore idealists are realising that the use of market methods helps them meet their social goals successfully,' argues Tania Ellis. With a wide array of cases from all over the world Tania Ellis explains the key principles of sustainable business success. Read The New Pioneers to gain insight into the new rules that are paving the way for business unusual – for the benefit of humanity and the bottom line. Learn more about The New Pioneers and join the movement of sustainable businesses and social entrepreneurs at www.thenewpioneers.biz